With just 50 days until Election Day 2022, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry’s political action committee, ChamberPAC, has issued its first tranche of endorsements for candidates running for the state house and Senate. All 203 house members and half of the 50-member state senate are on the ballot this fall. With a significant number of open races due to retirements and incumbents seeking higher offices, this is a pivotal election to ensure pro-business candidates are elected to the legislature.
“Pennsylvania is an extraordinary state with so much to offer,” said PA Chamber President and CEO Luke Bernstein in news releases announcing the endorsements by regions across the state. “To achieve our full potential, we need to elect candidates who will prioritize policies that will strengthen Pennsylvania’s competitive edge, promote job creation and allow the private sector to thrive. We are confident that this year’s ChamberPAC endorsed candidates will do just that. Working Together for PA, we can show the world that Pennsylvania is open for business through legislation that advances the Commonwealth’s economy. On behalf of the state’s broad-based business community, we are proud to offer our support to this year’s ChamberPAC endorsed candidates.”
A full list of endorsements, visit the PA Chamber’s website. The PA Chamber’s endorsement process is informed by candidate questionnaires for new candidates and by voting records for incumbents.