Issue in Brief: Transportation Funding

As the 2023-24 session winds down and the PA Chamber weighs legislative priorities for the new session, among our leading issues is strengthening Pennsylvania’s transportation systems and infrastructure.

Modern and reliable transportation systems are critical for Pennsylvania’s economic future and the public and private sectors must coordinate efforts to secure long-term, comprehensive funding. The PA Chamber recently submitted testimony in support of a comprehensive transportation funding plan. We are also working with stakeholders like the Keystone Transportation Funding Coalition and transit operators like SEPTA to  emphasize accountability in spending, encourage innovative delivery and procurement methods (such as public-private partnerships), and ensure any new funding plan does not unduly burden the business community or any specific industry.

In doing so, Pennsylvania can secure a modern transportation system that supports a competitive 21st century economy and improve the quality of life and the movement of commuters, goods, and services to benefit all Pennsylvanians.

You can read more here.




Founded in 1916, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association, with its membership comprising businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of BusinessTM.