10 Reasons Why Business Leaders Should Care About PA’s Appellate Court Races

When Pennsylvanians cast their votes in tomorrow’s General Election, they will have several important decisions to make, as key statewide appellate court races will be on the ballot with major implications for the business environment in Pennsylvania.

While appellate court races may not always grab headlines, they hold tremendous importance for the state’s business community. The decisions made by these judges can shape Pennsylvania’s legal landscape – influencing everything from regulations to private property rights – and directly impact how businesses operate in the Commonwealth.

Here’s the good news: The PA Chamber has endorsed four judicial candidates based on their integrity, dedication to fair and impartial application of the law, commitment to judicial ethics, and deep knowledge of issues facing the business community: Judge Carolyn Carluccio for PA Supreme Court; Maria Battista for PA Superior Court; Judge Harry Smail, Jr. for PA Superior Court; and Megan Martin for PA Commonwealth Court.

On the eve of this year’s election, ChamberPAC has identified the top 10 reasons that business leaders should be engaged in the effort to elect pro-business candidates to Pennsylvania’s appellate courts:


  1. Impact on Business Environment

Appellate court decisions have a direct impact on the business environment. For example, they can determine how regulations are interpreted and enforced, affecting business operations and compliance costs.

  1. Legal Precedent and Consistency

Appellate courts set legal precedents that the lower courts must follow. This ensures legal interpretations remain consistent, which gives businesses a predictable framework for decision-making and compliance.

  1. Regulatory Clarity

Clarity in legal interpretations is essential for businesses to operate efficiently. Appellate court decisions can offer guidance on navigating complex regulatory areas, reducing the risk of costly and lengthy legal disputes.

  1. Protection of Property Rights and Contracts

Business leaders rely on judges to uphold property rights and contracts. Appellate court decisions play a critical role in preserving the integrity of agreements and safeguarding assets.

  1. Litigation Outcomes

When businesses find themselves in litigation, the decisions of appellate courts can be pivotal. These decisions can determine liability, damages, and even the validity of contracts, all of which can have a direct impact on a company’s bottom line.

  1. Industry-Specific Expertise

Some industries face unique legal challenges. Judges with specialized knowledge can make decisions that reflect an understanding of these nuances, which benefits businesses operating within those sectors.

  1. Facilitating Long-term Planning

Appellate court decisions can provide businesses with a clearer roadmap for long-term planning. Knowing how legal principles are likely to be applied allows for strategic decisions on everything from investment to expansion and risk management.

  1. Attracting Investment

Investors seek stability and predictability in legal environments. An appellate court known for fair and consistent rulings can instill confidence in potential investors, leading to increased capital investment and business growth.

  1. Addressing Social and Environmental Impact

Appellate courts often handle cases related to social and environmental issues. These decisions can have profound implications for businesses, particularly those in industries with significant environmental or social impact, influencing corporate social responsibility efforts.

  1. Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Innovation and entrepreneurship are vital drivers of economic growth in Pennsylvania. Appellate court decisions can either foster or stifle these pursuits. Judges who understand the importance of fostering a supportive environment for innovation can contribute to a legal framework that encourages new ideas, startups, and further technological advancements.


Got it … now what?

Polls will be open tomorrow from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You can find your polling place here. If you are voting by mail, your vote-by-mail or absentee ballot must be received by your county election bureau by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

REMEMBER – the most powerful tools you have are your VOICE and your VOTE!


Founded in 1916, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association, with its membership comprising businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of BusinessTM.