
Each year, elected state officials spend months considering proposed legislation that could affect businesses’ competitiveness, ability to create jobs and bottom lines. From legislation on unemployment law to taxes, environmental regulations to lawsuit abuse, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is actively involved in every major issue facing the state’s business community.

And the fate of that legislation can depend on how many pro-business candidates are in office. That’s why it’s so important that business has a strong political action committee. ChamberPAC, the bipartisan political action committee of the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, contributes to pro-jobs, pro-growth candidates who believe in business’s right to compete on an equal basis in the global marketplace.

ChamberPAC’s strength lies in the involvement of business professionals. We all have a stake in the future viability of our state’s businesses and the economy, and that future can be dramatically altered through legislation and regulation.

That is why business leaders contribute to ChamberPAC – to support those candidates who support business.

For a growing, vibrant economy that leads to good jobs and strong communities, Pennsylvania businesses need ChamberPAC.

If you are interested in more information on ChamberPAC, please contact Allison Coccia, 717.720.5431 | acoccia@pachamber.org.

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