The PA Chamber submitted comments this week to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in response to the agency’s request for information (RFI) related to Medicare Advantage. CMS sought feedback from a wide range of stakeholders to hear perspectives on ways to strengthen Medicare Advantage and create more opportunities for interested parties to engage with CMS.
The comments emphasized the importance of smart, balanced health care policy and recognized the “ongoing struggle to manage the cost and complexity of health care coverage while striving to maintain high standards of quality and accessibility.” Medicare Advantage was established to help stakeholders address this challenge by establishing a public-private partnership to expand and improve delivery of benefits and enhance efficiencies.
The comments specifically highlighted the value of Employer Group Waiver Plans, Medicare Advantage insurance plans offered by employers as an additional benefit to their retirees. Under an EGWP, the employer and Medicare partner to provide the additional benefits, allowing employers to continue offering their valued former employees high quality, affordable health care. The PA Chamber urged CMS to promote this program and encourage its widespread accessibility by a range of carriers and plans.
While CMS should be commended for soliciting input related to Medicare Advantage, the value of this RFI will depend on the extent to which they incorporate feedback into future policy decisions. The PA Chamber urged CMS to give due consideration to comments submitted by stakeholders that are part of the PA Chamber membership, including commercial health insurance carriers and employers who offer EGWPs.