Drawing the Lines: Every 10 years, using updated census information, Pennsylvania redraws its state and federal legislative districts to better represent its population. A commission comprised of the Republican and Democratic leaders from both the PA House and Senate, and a non-legislative appointment, is tasked with drawing the legislative maps. Earlier this year, the PA State Supreme Court appointed Mark Nordenberg, former dean of the University of Pittsburgh’s law school, as the non-legislative commission member. The Department of State has said that maps must be finalized by Jan. 24 in order to allow enough time for candidates to circulate nominating petitions ahead of the May 17, 2022, Primary Election. Read more from WHYY.
U.S. Senate Candidate List Grows: Republican Mehmet Oz — better known as celebrity Dr. Oz – has announced he is running for the U.S. Senate. To date, three other Republicans and six Democrats have announced that they are seeking the position being vacated by Sen. Pat Toomey. Read more in the Philadelphia Inquirer about the crowded U.S. Senate race.
Coleman Enters LG Race: Former Republican State Rep. Jeff Coleman has announced that he is running for lieutenant governor. Coleman, the founder of Churchill Strategies, served in the PA House from 2001-2004. Former State Rep. Rick Saccone and Jerry Carnicella, a former candidate for both the PA House and PA Senate, are also seeking the Republican nomination. State Rep. Brian Sims, D-Phila., is the only declared Democratic candidate.